A Letter from a Concerned Citizen

September 10, 2024

Dear Mayor Sayers:

RE: Homeless Shelter – September 17 – VOTE NO

Having attended numerous City meetings you know that I live in East Lenexa and that I continue to have many concerns and questions pertaining to the Homeless Shelter
planned by the county for the old La Quinta and Dennys at 95th Street and I-35.

Although I do not live within 200 feet of the proposed center, my questions and concerns deserve answers. The County Chairman, several commissioners, and staff have NOT provided accurate information about this shelter. I have attended or listened to recordings pertaining to this proposed shelter since September 2023.

During the BOCC meetings, Committee of the Whole, and Study Sessions, the public could NOT ask questions AND receive answers! Note: Generally, at BOCC Thursday 9:30 meetings the public is allowed to ask questions, but answers are extremely rare! Thus, those of us in attendance only heard what they said out loud and not what happened behind closed doors – now we know what they said to the public was NOT the whole story.

On August 25 and September 4, I submitted the following questions to the County regarding the shelter.

  1. The BOCC Priorities web page lists the #1 priority is to “improve housing options for the resident needs.” If nothing else, shouldn’t the priority be based on those currently homeless in Johnson County?

  2. Why is the county buying a than 47-year-old building for 6 million dollars – nearly twice the appraised value? What was the rush to buy this building? Who submitted bids for this building in addition to the county to raising the price to $6 million?

  3. Has the BOCC toured La Quinta? Would they even let anyone in Denny’s? Due diligence reports note extensive repairs are required. Having driven through the parking lot it is in horrible repair!

  4. Who was the “Design Team” contracted to complete the SUP for submittal? Was it SFS Architecture? Since reStart is responsible for the SUP, why didn’t reStart pay for the development of the SUP? The cost according to Due Diligence information (updated 7/29/2024) was $103,000 and paid by the county.

  5. Due Diligence Reports: Property Condition repairs over a 10-year period estimated at a minimum of $1.5 million dollars. Who will pay this? reStart TODAY can NOT cover their operational costs for year one – how will they cover future repairs? I believe the shelter is to be operational late 2025. Correct?

  6. JoCo is paying 3.7 million for renovations. Who is responsible for the other renovation costs? Roofs, HVAC, bringing the building “up to code”. Typically, renovations cost more, take longer & there is always a surprise – increasing cost & increasing time. Who will fund these additional costs?

  7. How are “drop offs” defined? Another group of individuals meeting with the county was told that reStart would NOT allow any police drop offs. What is the answer?

  8. What happens when a van drops off 10-15 people at the 95th street exit and they are told to walk to the shelter? CES is unavailable on evenings and weekends. Today, businesses in
    proximity to La Quinta have homeless people sleeping on benches, in front of their entrance doors, and in trash bins.

  9. It was my understanding that Long-Term – meant 12-18 months; and others have been told residents with the “right criteria” could potentially live out their lives at this shelter? 20+ years? What is the answer?

  10. Who will be allowed to reside in the homeless shelter? Just males? Adults? – male, female, couples, children? We know that most illegal immigrants are young males from countries hostile to the US.

  11. Can individuals stay if they are on or sell drugs, been arrested for drug or sex trafficking, murders, rapes other charges in another country?

  12. Is “rent” paid by the individual working or by county rent vouchers?

  13. What “wraparound” services are being offered to the individuals? If services are offered on a voluntary basis and an individual does not participate, what are the consequences? Mental Health services from JoCo – who will pay for these services when they are provided to individuals under reStart’s operation? What happens to individuals that require mental hospital care?

  14. Are individuals admitted with untreated mental health diagnosis? Are psychiatrists & psychologists on staff?

  15. How much is the county paying for mental health services and other support services that will not be covered by reStart?

  16. Why was an “elected” person NOT included on the RFP proposal review and selection?

  17. Why wasn’t a search for owner/operator done on a national basis? Why was city union excluded? Why was Hillcrest Ministries not considered?

  18. Why were “we” told that the owner/operator would be responsible for ALL ongoing costs when the owner/operator selected required additional operational funding?

  19. What is reStart’s “graduation rate? Over what period of time?

  20. What is reStart’s recidivism rate? Over what period of time?

  21. Funding gap? What if cities don’t pay their “fees?” Who will pay?

  22. What about Denny’s – who will pay for renovations? What if Lenexa condemns this building?

  23. Governor Abbott in Texas is requiring that ALL hospitals to collect information on illegal immigrants who use Texas public hospitals for inpatient and emergency care and to report incurred healthcare costs. It is possible to collect information on illegal immigrants. Thus, JoCo homeless SHOULD have priority! If homeless people have jobs, legally they must a social security number to report income to the IRS. Will reStart allow individuals to take work for “cash” only? If a person is sleeping in a car, there should be a way of tracking where the car is registered — unless it is stolen and then it should be reported!

  24. Who is liable if a person at the homeless shelter rapes or kills – man, woman or child; vandalizes a business or person property or person?

  25. In an email March 4, 2024, Megan Foreman wrote: Residents–The homeless services center is intended to serve Johnson County residents experiencing homelessness. The owner/operator will follow HUD guidelines to determine a person’s connection to the area. Callers for shelter will be screened for services and if they are experiencing homelessness in another area, or primarily reside outside the county, staff will refer or assist them to find services closer to their location. Once an owner/operator is identified, more detail on these policies will be available.” Did you know on March 4 that JoCo homeless would NOT be accommodated by this shelter?

  26. Lenexa is having Dumpster days in October. To drop something off during dumpster days – I must have an ID showing that I am a resident of Lenexa. But to stay in the homeless shelter – no identification is required! Very interesting!
  27. Will the County allow individuals without ID the ability to vote?

  28. CES (Coordinated Entry System) will determine needs of homeless person. What happens on weekends, evenings, nights when CES is not manned? Based on explanations of CES – it would eliminate care in this shelter for JoCo Homeless people. Correct?

  29. How will veterans be treated for services? Will they have priority?

  30. Commissioners and proponents have mentioned multiple times that this shelter will NOT solve the “homeless problem” in Joco. Why are we spending $10 million plus on this ineffective solution?

As of Monday, September 9, I have not received a response. Hopefully, you will receive responses and if you do, please forward them to me. The Planning Commission staff provided a comprehensive 540-page report outlining reasons for opposing the shelter. One reason for opposition was that the property, La Quinta and Dennys is in a tax increment financing (TIF) district. This district was established in 2007 pursuant to finding blight and economic obsolescence in the area with the goal of promoting, stimulating and improving the overall economic welfare of the City. Since 2007, the City has approved multiple TIF project plans and community improvement districts (CIDs) which has resulted in over $40 million in private investment. What happens to this TIF area if the shelter is approved and businesses move or leave because of lack of business, crime? And what about private investments?

Could the city be liable in some way for the private investment losses?

On September 3, 2024, you passed the 2025 budget of $246.8 million which is our seventh consecutive property tax increase. If the council approves the shelter, the City will require additional funding for police protection! You may not think this is
necessary in 2025 but testimony at the Planning Commission on August 26 people are being dropped off today at La Quinta. Thus, additional police and other first responder protection are required even now!

Your NO vote on September 17 will preserve the future legacy of Lenexa and protect its residents. We do NOT want to be a sanctuary city! Chairman Kelly’s plan is unreasonable and detrimental to Lenexa! County leadership MUST not force the City, its businesses and its residents into their unreasonable option! I’m implore you to vote NO! Protect Lenexa’s future legacy and its residents!

Thank you for your time and consideration.


A Concerned Citizen


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